Leather bags inspections
Category: Inspection
10 Aug 17
- Smell Test: Check the smell of the bag is an important part of every inspection; it is the easiest way to discover illegal toxins. However the most reliable way to check it is to perform chemical tests in a laboratory.
- Function test: Check if the product really works. In the case of the leather bag, an inspector will wear it and use the zippers.
- Color fastness check on leather: Excessive dye may be rubbed off during a color fastness check. On leather this is a frequent problem. The test should be repeated 10 times with a dry cloth and 10 times with a wet cloth.
- Abuse & Fatigue tests: Pulling on straps and zippers with stronger-than-usual force helps to understand the manufacturing quality of leather bags.
- Seam strength test for leather bags: This test is similar to the abuse test but focuses on the seams. It uses “normal” force or a tension gauge to check seam strength.
- Load test: The inspector loads the leather bag with weights (depending on the model between 2 and 20 kg for backpacks). He then lifts the bag 20 times and hangs it on a hook for 4 hours.
- Zipper twisting test: This check tests both the strength of the zipper and the seams holding it. In the open, middle and closed position. The QC pulls the zipper sideways for 10 seconds each direction. Low quality zippers tend to open and bend beyond repair.